CSA Fraternal Life Governance

Meet the Officers and Board Members
of CSA Fraternal Life!

John J. Kielczewski is the President of CSA Fraternal Life. John has more than 18 years in Insurance Industry experience. He holds both the CLU, and FLMI designations. In addition, he is currently 2nd Vice President of the Illinois Fraternal Alliance, and is a member of Lodge Brookfield.
Nick V. Kosmas is the Secretary/Treasurer for CSA Fraternal Life, as well as the IT Director/CISO.
Irma Farrell is Chairman of the Board of Directors. Irma has been a board member since 2002. She resides in Lakewood Colorado and serves Region H, the states of California, Kansas, Texas and Colorado and is a member of Lodge Mile-Hi Czechs #432.
Tom Ledvina was elected to the Board of Directors in August, 2015, and represents Region G(District #14) of Iowa and Minnesota. He is a longtime member of CSA Lodge #279, Karel Jonas and lives in Elberon IA.
Ken Dvorsky is a board member since 2006, but also served on the board from 1982 to 1990. Ken serves Region E (District #12) of Northern Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, and is also president of District Council and Athletic Division.
Diane DiBianca has been a CSA member for 56 years belonging to Lodge Paramount/Southgate No. 372. She has been Treasurer of the Lodge for nine years and President of District Council No. 10 for six years. She is Vice President of the Northern Ohio Sports Committee. In her spare time, she is President of The Swine (Successful Women Impacting Neighborhoods Everywhere) Sisters, Inc., a non-profit organization that she was very instrumental in forming. They plan different fundraisers throughout the year, giving back to the community. Sis. DiBianca likes to volunteer with several organizations, as time allows.
Connie Wolf was elected to the Board of Directors in August, 2010, and represents Region F (southern Illinois and Missouri). She is a lifelong member of CSA, currently serves as secretary for Lodge Missouri No. 1, and is a member of District Council No. 13.
Terry Placek was elected to the Board of Directors in August, 2010, representing Region C (southeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania). He is Vice President of District Council #8 (western PA) and also serves as treasurer of Lodge Groveton #4.
Carol Tranter is a board member since 2006. She serves Region B, consisting of New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and Florida. Carol is also Secretary/Treasurer of District Council #5.
Paul Vavrasek is a board member since 2006. He serves Region A, of New York and Connecticut and is Vice President of Lodge Empire State.
Cary Mentzer is a board member since 2018. He serves Region E (District #12) of Northern Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. He is a passionate fraternalist and Czech culture enthusiast. Lifelong CSA member and former CSA Executive Vice President, in charge of Fraternal Programs, Journal editor-in-chief and Czechoslovak Heritage Museum..